Netcontrol 2 client not connecting.for.all users
Netcontrol 2 client not connecting.for.all users

  1. #Netcontrol 2 client not connecting.for.all users registration
  2. #Netcontrol 2 client not connecting.for.all users password

On the Template virtual machine settings window, leave the selection on Create a template virtual machine if you need to make modifications to the template used to create all the student VMs.

netcontrol 2 client not connecting.for.all users

On the Lab policies page, leave the default selections and select Next.

#Netcontrol 2 client not connecting.for.all users password

Note, students will have to wait for the password set function to complete before the connect button is available for their VM if Use same password for all virtual machines is unchecked. If you would like students to set their own password the first time they sign into their VM, uncheck Use same password for all virtual machines. Make a note of non-admin user name and password. If there's only one lab plan in the resource group, this option will be hidden. If more than one lab plan is in the resource group, you'll see a dropdown to choose a lab plan. Possibly, you'll need to choose a lab plan. For more information about naming restrictions, see Microsoft.LabServices resource name rules. Specify a name, virtual machine image, size, and region for your lab, and select Next. In the New Lab window, do the following actions: Azure Lab Services supports organizational accounts and Microsoft accounts. Select Sign in and enter your credentials. In this step, you create a lab for your class in Azure Lab Services portal. If Canvas or Teams integration with Azure Lab Services is used, this step is skipped by the students. Once they're registered, they can use VMs in the labs to do the class work and homework.

#Netcontrol 2 client not connecting.for.all users registration

Students use the registration link that they receive from educators to register to the lab.If the administrator assigned the Lab Creator role at the resource group, the educator can choose from all lab plans in that resource group when creating new labs. Then, the educators create labs with VMs for their classes and send registration links to students in the class.To assign the Lab Creator role to someone, see Add a user to the Lab Creator role. The administrator can also assign educators the Lab Creator role on the resource group that contains one or more lab plans.

netcontrol 2 client not connecting.for.all users

For example, the administrator (who created the lab plan) assigns educators to the Lab Creator role on the lab plan or resource group so that they can create labs for their classes.

  • The person that created the lab plan adds other users to the Lab Creator role.
  • Here's the typical workflow when using Azure Lab Services: The user account used to create a lab plan will already have the required permissions to create a lab. For more information, see Azure Lab Services built-in roles. You must be a member of one of these roles in the lab plan: Owner, Lab Creator, or Contributor. To create a lab plan, see Tutorial: Create a lab plan with Azure Lab Services.

    Netcontrol 2 client not connecting.for.all users